How to Stop Forehead Sweat

Excessive sweating -- a condition known as hyperhidrosis -- can be an embarrassing and irritating problem, especially in visible areas such as the forehead. According to, the condition occurs in an estimated 3 percent of people worldwide. There are treatment options, however, reaching from the most basic, over-the-counter choices to extreme medical decisions. If simply wearing a hat or headband is not working for you, other options are available.

Avoid MSG, spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine; these can all be metabolic triggers that can produce perspiration. Avoid garlic, onions and foods high in calcium content, because these are also considered triggers that can cause your body to sweat.

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Drink plenty of water. Being well-hydrated lowers the core temperature of the body, which can help decrease perspiration.

Apply an over-the-counter, clinical-strength antiperspirant to your forehead before bed each night. Applying before you go to sleep allows time for the antiperspirant to get into the pores of the skin without fighting the majority of the body's triggers for creating sweat.

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Visit your general practitioner or dermatologist to discuss and diagnose your situation.

Try a prescription-strength antiperspirant that contains aluminum chloride and apply it to the area at bedtime.

Speak to your dermatologist about extreme measures such as cervical sympathectomy, a glandular surgery, as a last resort.


See your doctor for any medical conditions before taking measures of treatment on your own.
