Why Does Pizza Give You Bad Gas?
You've just enjoyed a slice of two of gooey pizza topped with all your favorite ingredients, so you should be feeling the pleasant buzz that comes along with having a good meal, but instead you're feeling gassy and uncomfortable. The most likely culprit is probably a topping that was on your pizza. Your body could be sensitive to that food or it could exacerbate symptoms of a pre-existing condition. If you're curled up with gas pains, there are ways to treat your discomfort so you can get back to your normal activities.
Fatty, Greasy and Spicy Foods
Fatty, greasy and spicy foods such as pepperoni, sausage and full-fat cheese can cause gas. It happens because fatty foods like these slow down your digestion, according to MayoClinic.com. The longer it takes your food to digest, the more time it has to ferment, which is what causes painful and uncomfortable gas. Tomato sauce is highly acidic and, similar to spicy foods, can lead to gas, too. Onions and garlic, which can be somewhat spicy, can also cause gas.
Pre-Existing Conditions
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Certain medical problems can cause gas when you eat a slice of pizza, depending on what toppings and ingredients you include. If you have a gluten intolerance or celiac disease, the gluten in the pizza crust can cause painful gas. If you get gas after eating any food that has gluten, including bread and pasta, make an appointment with your doctor to help you learn how to make appropriate dietary changes. If you have lactose intolerance, ingesting the cheese on your pizza could cause gas. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, consuming dairy foods, such as the cheese on your pizza, or too much fiber, which can happen if you have whole-wheat crust and lots of veggies, can cause you to develop painful gas.
How You Eat Your Pizza
Your painful gas might not have anything to do with the actual pizza you ate and more to do with the way you ate your slice. If you eat too fast, you can swallow an excess amount of air. The extra air goes into your lower digestive tract and causes gas. If you drank a beverage through a straw while you were enjoying your pizza, you might have taken in extra air, which could be to blame for your bad gas, too.
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Don't be too quick to give up pizza, but do take steps to prevent yourself from getting gas next time you have a piece. Eat your pizza slowly to prevent yourself from taking in too much air. If you know that spicy, greasy foods cause you to develop gas, order your pizza without those ingredients. If your gas develops because of cheese, give gourmet pizzas a try. Many of these varieties are made without cheese, making them a better option for you.
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Writer Bio
Sara Ipatenco has taught writing, health and nutrition. She started writing in 2007 and has been published in Teaching Tolerance magazine. Ipatenco holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in education, both from the University of Denver.