How to Use Sea Salt to Cure Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is characterized by thick, discolored or yellowish nails that can also become brittle and chip away. Toenail fungus is not only unattractive, it can become painful at times, causing embarrassment and discomfort to the one suffering with it. Trying to get rid of toenail fungus can be quite expensive, whether it be through many doctor visits and prescriptions or over-the-counter medications. An inexpensive way to cure toenail fungus is with sea salt

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Trim your toenails and file down as much of the fungus-infected toenail as possible. This will help the sea salt treatment to reach the affected area more efficiently.

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Put hot water in a foot basin, with just enough water to cover your toes. Make the water as hot as your feet will be able to stand.

Roll up a towel and place it under the basin at the opposite end of where your toes will be. This will tilt most of the water to the toe end of the basin.

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Add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to the water and then dip your toes into the water.

Take your wet toes out of the water and pour ground sea salt over your toes. Let it sit for about three minutes before placing your toes in the water to soak. While your toes are sitting out of the basin with sea salt on them, add 1 1/2 cup of ground sea salt to the water and peroxide in the basin.

Put your toes back into the water and soak them for 30 minutes.

Remove your toes from the sea salt solution and pat them dry. Gently massage your feet and toes to help promote circulation to the area.

Apply a drop or two of vinegar to the infected toenail. Do not put on shoes or socks. If you must go out, wear sandals or flip flops.

Repeat the 30-minute sea salt soak daily or as often as possible until the toenail fungus has disappeared. You may need to continue performing the soak at least once a week to prevent the fungus from reinfecting.


If you must wear socks around the house or to bed, cut the toe area out to prevent irritation to the affected toes.

Take time to groom your toenails and keep them clean and dry, as toenail fungus thrives in a dark, moist environment.

To do a quick soak during the day or under your desk at work, place a handful of sea salt in a bowl of warm water and stick your toes in it.


Avoid nail polish until your toenail fungus has cleared up.

Keep your toes and feet dry, as this will help prevent the fungus from spreading.
