How to Clean the Colon of Old Feces

Waste buildup in the colon can contribute to toxin buildup and may provoke bouts of constipation or hardened stools. This is why it is important to remove residue particles of old feces and other fecal matter in the colon. Amy Foxx-Orenstein, former president of the American College of Gastroenterology, recommends cleaning the colon naturally and avoiding artificial colon cleanses such as colonics and laxatives. Talk to your doctor before changing your diet, especially if you have a digestive disorder or other condition that affects the digestive system.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Look at the Bristol Stool Form Scale to see how your bowel movements compare to the stool described on the chart. The Bristol Stool Form Scale is a tool developed by the University of Bristol in Bristol, England for the classification of human feces. Your feces should look like the images three or four on the chart, which are images of stools that look like a smooth sausage link or a sausage link that has some cracks. If your stools are like small pellets or have a lumpy sausage-shaped appearance -- similar to images one and two on the chart -- you may have hardened, older feces in the colon.

Foods You Can Eat to Help for Gas

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Eat foods rich in insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is rough and course and works as a cleaning agent for the intestines. Its coarseness "scrubs" residue from the intestines for elimination. Stools are bulkier, and bowel movements are more frequent, so insoluble fiber also works to prevent leftover feces and other residual remains in the colon. Foods that contain insoluble fiber include wheat bran, rye bran, carrots, fig, onions, sesame seeds, raisins, prunes, chestnuts, walnuts, popcorn and peanuts.

Drink more water to help flush out toxins and bulky feces. The bulk created in the colon from insoluble fiber may cause thicker stools. As a result, you may have uncomfortable bowel movements. Water helps create mucus in the colon so bowel movements pass more easily.

Water Soluble Fiber Foods

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Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices work as colon cleansers. You may prefer vegetable juices over fruit juice to reduce the incidence of bloating and gas commonly associated with fructose, the sugar contained in fruit. Always remove the seeds and pits before juicing fresh fruits and vegetables. Dr. Johanna Budwig, author of "Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer, and other Diseases," suggests adding 1 tbsp 1. of flaxseed oil or up to 2 tbsp. of ground flaxseed to fresh vegetable juice to assist with intestinal cleansing.
