You've seen the many television ads for feminine washes. As a result, many women believe there is something wrong with the smell of their vulva (the external part of the vagina) and vagina. Your vagina is self-cleaning and doesn't need special products or douching, which only upsets its natural acid balance.

Douching exposes your vagina to harmful bacteria and infection. Many feminine-hygiene products also contain harmful chemicals that can enter your bloodstream. Alkaline products like soap leave your vagina and vulva prone to infection.


Wash your vulva using warm water each day as you shower or bathe. Plain warm water is the best feminine wash you can use.

White Vinegar

How to Remove a Smell From the Vagina

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Mix one tablespoon of distilled white vinegar with one cup of water. Pour this onto your vulva; then rinse with water.

This homemade feminine wash will leave your vulva odor-free. Since it's nontoxic, you won't experience breakouts or rashes as you may with soap.

  • Mix one tablespoon of distilled white vinegar with one cup of water.
  • Pour this onto your vulva; then rinse with water.

Aloe Vera Gel

Make a feminine wash for your vulva using the aloe vera plant. Slice open an aloe vera leaf and scrape the gel out.

Mix it with water in a small bowl; then apply it to your vulva. Rinse with warm water.

  • Make a feminine wash for your vulva using the aloe vera plant.

Hydrogen Peroxide

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor Without Going to the Doctor

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Clean your vulva with a mixture of one cup of hydrogen peroxide and three cups of water. This is another nontoxic feminine wash that leaves your vulva odor-free.

Rashes and Itching

Add two tablespoons of slippery elm bark powder to one cup of water. Mix well to create a thick, slimy gel.

Apply to your vulva to soothe any itching you may have. Slippery elm will also heal rashes around your vulva. Rinse with water.

  • Add two tablespoons of slippery elm bark powder to one cup of water.
  • Apply to your vulva to soothe any itching you may have.

Purchasing Items

Purchase distilled white vinegar inexpensively at any grocery store. Hydrogen peroxide is also inexpensive and is sold in some grocery stores and all drugstores.

Buy aloe vera plants at a plant nursery or you can buy aloe vera gel in some drugstores, most natural health food stores and online 1. Slippery elm bark powder can be purchased at health food stores and online.

  • Purchase distilled white vinegar inexpensively at any grocery store.
  • Buy aloe vera plants at a plant nursery or you can buy aloe vera gel in some drugstores, most natural health food stores and online 1.


Always wipe and clean your anal area front to back. This keeps bacteria from entering your vagina.

Avoid using antibacterial soap and essential oils on your vulva and vagina. These destroy healthy bacteria, exposing you to infection.

Avoid using vaginal sprays and vaginal deodorants.

If you're prescribed an antibiotic, you are at double risk of getting a vaginal infection. Speak to your doctor about also taking a probiotic or healthy bacteria like acidophilus to replace healthy bacteria in your vagina and body.

Always wear loose cotton underwear or underwear with a cotton crotch. Synthetic materials and tight underwear lead to vaginal infections.

Use unscented pads and tampons. Change them every four to eight hours.

  • Always wipe and clean your anal area front to back.
  • This keeps bacteria from entering your vagina.