The uterus includes the cervix, the passageway connected to the vagina, and the corpus, which carries a growing fetus during pregnancy. Within these structures are smaller layers like the endometrium, the innermost lining of the uterus. Abnormal cell growths can occur in any part of the uterus but it is the endometrium that is most commonly impacted by polyp formation and, in some cases, malignant cells. Maintaining your reproductive tract involves a well-balanced and nutritious diet along with healthy lifestyle habits.

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Polyps, Fibroids and Cancer

Abnormal spikes in estrogen especially during the reproductive years is linked to abnormal cell cluster development. However, the exact cause of polyp or fibroid formation is not fully understood. Polyps, which are growths attached to the endometrium, the inner wall of the uterus, may protrude into the uterine corpus. They are generally small noncancerous clumps of uterine tissue whereas fibroids are composed of muscle tissue. The symptoms of polyps and fibroids are similar and may include abnormal bleeding, pelvic pain and in some cases difficulty with getting pregnant. Diagnostic testing can reveal the exact condition and the presence or absence of cancerous cells. Endometrial cancer is the most common form of reproductive cancer in females however, early detection and removal of polyps can help reduce your risk of cancer progression.

  • Abnormal spikes in estrogen especially during the reproductive years is linked to abnormal cell cluster development.
  • The symptoms of polyps and fibroids are similar and may include abnormal bleeding, pelvic pain and in some cases difficulty with getting pregnant.

Diet and Reproductive Health

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According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the cause of polyp formation is unknown and you may not be able to prevent the condition. However, you can take precautionary measures with your reproductive health by eating a well-balanced diet based on your nutritional needs as a woman and getting regular gynecological check-ups. During the reproductive years, you need plenty of daily calcium for strong bone development, iron to maintain blood health since you lose this mineral during menstruation, and adequate calorie intake from healthy foods to maintain a nourishing fetal environment in the event of pregnancy.

  • According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the cause of polyp formation is unknown and you may not be able to prevent the condition.
  • However, you can take precautionary measures with your reproductive health by eating a well-balanced diet based on your nutritional needs as a woman and getting regular gynecological check-ups.

Whole Grains, Vegetables and Fruit

A healthy, well-balanced diet includes a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, ideally with a serving of each in every meal. The average women needs 1,700 to 2,000 calories per day to sustain a healthy weight and level of energy. Fruit as a snack in between meals and as dessert helps you sustain daily caloric needs but also provides you a source of fiber for digestive regularity. Raw vegetables are also healthy snack foods and make tasty side dishes during your main meals. Whole grains like wheat bread or pasta, bran cereal and brown rice promote energy from calories and are not full of added sodium and sugars like refined white grains.

  • A healthy, well-balanced diet includes a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, ideally with a serving of each in every meal.
  • Fruit as a snack in between meals and as dessert helps you sustain daily caloric needs but also provides you a source of fiber for digestive regularity.

Lean Meat and Dairy

Signs of Fibroid Shrinkage

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Saturated fats found in red meat, whole dairy, fried foods and processed foods are not optimal in a healthy diet. Limit daily saturated fat intake to no more than 10 percent of your total daily calories and replace these fatty foods with leaner sources. Baked chicken, grilled fish and low-fat dairy supply you with nutrients and fewer unhealthy fats that can increase your risk of health complications. Obesity is a risk factor for developing endometrial problems, notes 4. Reduce your unhealthy fat intake to help lower your risk of reproductive system problems.

  • Saturated fats found in red meat, whole dairy, fried foods and processed foods are not optimal in a healthy diet.
  • Baked chicken, grilled fish and low-fat dairy supply you with nutrients and fewer unhealthy fats that can increase your risk of health complications.