How to Design a Weight-Loss Workout Plan

When deciding to lose weight, think about an ideal weight-loss workout plan that will help you achieve your goals. The best workout plans are those that allow you to combine cardiovascular activity and strength training to burn fat and build muscle for a faster metabolism. Exercising every day can help you to feel better about yourself and to become more active. This change can help you enjoy a longer, happier, healthier life.

Get a weekly planner or divide a piece of paper into seven days with a ruler and a pencil. Plan your workout in the same way you would plan meals. This helps you have better direction when it comes to your workout plan. Treat your workout as you would an important appointment; strive to fulfill your requirements each day.

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Plan to do five to seven days of cardiovascular activity per week. Any activity from brisk walking to jogging to swimming, among many others, are considered ideal daily workouts; and they engage your whole body so you are toning and tightening at the same time you are burning fat and calories.

Write down weight- and strength-training exercises and activities for two to three of the days. This means that some of your weight-training days will overlap your cardiovascular days, which is fine. You can lift weights on those days, but you can also look into using an exercise ball for toning, resistance bands for strength and five to seven-pound dumbbells for an effective way to challenge your muscles. Beside each strength-training exercise, write down what muscle group you plan on targeting, and make sure your abs, legs, glutes and arms and shoulders are included.

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Denote how long your planned workout should be. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend at least 60 minutes of physical activity per adult per day. Plan your workouts so that there is a quick succession from exercise to exercise and layer your plan with new experiences and different types of workouts so you don't end up bored and unmotivated.

Give yourself a reason to work out. While weight loss may be your motivation, you might need extra incentive to lose weight. An upcoming marathon, an invitation to a class reunion or a holiday cruise are all ideal ways to make yourself work out. Tape a reminder of your goal on your weight-loss workout plan to keep it fresh in your mind as you workout.


Leave your weekly planner where you can see it. Staying motivated to lose weight is half the battle.


Check with your health-care provider before beginning an exercise program for the first time or if you have been away from fitness programs for a while, or if you have any chronic health issues.
