Home Remedies for Yeast Infections in Arm Pits

Yeast infections are caused by a growth of bacteria and the fungus candida, says MayoClinic.com 1. Although the body uses bacteria for many functions, a yeast infection happens when natural bacterial growth is thrown out of balance. This can cause itchiness, swelling, odd texture, unpleasant odor and white discharge around the infected area. Yeast infections are most common in damp body areas with limited exposure to air and light 1. The armpits are a prime candidate for a yeast infection.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Clean and Dry

The first step in treating any yeast infection is to make the environment unfriendly to the fungus and bacteria that cause the condition, notes Louise Tenney in "The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies." Take frequent showers using antibacterial soap 2. Wear loose-fitting shirts that give the area plenty of air. When appropriate, wear garments that expose your pits to the sunlight and open air.

  • The first step in treating any yeast infection is to make the environment unfriendly to the fungus and bacteria that cause the condition, notes Louise Tenney in "The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies."

Tea Tree Oil

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Tea tree oil is a low-grade antifungal that can be used to treat yeast infections, athletes foot and other similar conditions, says the "Healthwise Handbook." Prepare a recipe of 1 tsp 1. each tea tree oil and rubbing alcohol, mixed into 1 pint of water. Rinse out our armpits with the solution daily, preferably immediately after a shower.

  • Tea tree oil is a low-grade antifungal that can be used to treat yeast infections, athletes foot and other similar conditions, says the "Healthwise Handbook."
  • each tea tree oil and rubbing alcohol, mixed into 1 pint of water.


According to MayoClinic.com, eating probiotics such as yogurt can help restore your body's natural bacterial balance, thus helping kill your yeast infection. "The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies" also suggests that eating garlic, a mild antibiotic, can also help your body fight off a yeast infection 23.

Vinegar Treatment

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According to NaturalHomeRemedies.com, repeated application of a 1:1 solution of apple cider vinegar and water will stop the growth of bacteria and fungus that cause a yeast infection. The site also recommends adding a clove of garlic to the solution, especially if your infection itches.

Medical Treatment

Yeast infections can be a symptom of more serious conditions, including diabetes or immune system disorders, says MayoClinic.com 1. Because of this, you should see your doctor if your home remedies fail to clear up your yeast infection within 1 week to 10 days 3.
