Foods to Eat After Wisdom Tooth is Pulled

Having your wisdom teeth pulled or surgically extracted can be a painful experience. Following the instructions of your dentist or oral surgeon minimizes your risk of complications and helps minimize pain and swelling. Eating a healthy diet after wisdom teeth extraction is important to provide the body with the nutrients needed for healing. Unfortunately, eating can be difficult and painful for several days to a week following the extraction.

Soft and Liquid Meals

When you get back home after having your teeth extracted, it is best to choose very soft foods that do not require any chewing. Foods such as yogurt, applesauce, ice cream and mashed potatoes are good choices. Liquid soups like tomato soups and other purees are also good choices because they do not require chewing and have no pieces that could become trapped in the sockets. Protein shakes and smoothies made with milk or juice and some protein powder can provide nutrition. Do not use a straw to drink your smoothie or any beverage because the suction can dislodge the clots that form over the exposed sockets.

Semisoft foods

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The day after your wisdom teeth extraction, you can begin to advance your diet if you feel up to it. You should continue to stick to soft and semisoft foods. Scrambled eggs, soft vegetables such as beans, baked potatoes and pasta dishes are all good choices. You may have to take small bites, especially if you had teeth removed on both side. You will have to chew the food away from the extraction site, which may mean you have to chew with your front teeth. It is important to eat regular meals and not skip any meals to speed healing and decrease recovery time.

Normal Diet

As soon as your pain and soreness allow, you may begin to eat foods you were accustomed before the extraction of your wisdom teeth. Slowly add regular foods back to your diet but if your pain increases, back down to softer foods again for a couple of meals. You may feel soreness in your jaw and facial muscles while chewing, but this is completely normal. Chewing solid foods can help to loosen these muscles and decrease the pain. Always follow your doctor’s instructions for mouth care following every meal and snack to remove food debris from your sockets to prevent irritation and infection.
