The possible causes of red skin on feet and ankles are varied. Diagnosis will depend on whether the redness is also itchy or sore, swollen or hot to the touch, unified or blotchy, and whether there are other accompanying symptoms. Some of these conditions are serious or are indicators of a serious underlying condition; some are extremely rare. All diagnoses should be made by a qualified medical professional.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.


Itchy skin rashes may be allergic contact dermatitis. On feet and ankles, this might be a reaction to walking through particular plants or to socks washed in a new detergent. Atopic dermatitis (eczema) in infants commonly affects feet and ankles. Neurodermatitis causes localized patches of raised, rough, itchy red skin, often on the ankle.

  • Itchy skin rashes may be allergic contact dermatitis.
  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema) in infants commonly affects feet and ankles.


What Is the Difference Between Stasis Dermatitis & Cellulitis?

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Caused by bleeding beneath the skin, these tiny spots most commonly occur on the ankles and feet. In a mass they appear as a rash. The redness does not disappear when you apply pressure. Petechiae can indicate various serious medical conditions 4.

  • Caused by bleeding beneath the skin, these tiny spots most commonly occur on the ankles and feet.
  • Petechiae can indicate various serious medical conditions 4.

Henoch-Schonlein purpura

What Is the Difference Between Stasis Dermatitis & Cellulitis?

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This form of vasculitis (an inflammation of the blood vessels), usually found in children, causes a red rash on the legs, buttocks, and feet, especially around the sock line.cause:

  • This form of vasculitis (an inflammation of the blood vessels)
  • usually found in children
  • causes a red rash on the legs
  • buttocks,
  • feet
  • especially around the sock line

The ankle joints are usually swollen and painful with this rash. Serious damage can occur to the kidneys and bowel.


One fourth of people with this inflammatory immune response develop a rash, usually on the ankles and shins. This condition can damage organs or lead to blindness.

Grave Dermopathy

This will be accompanied by symptoms of thyroid disease: weight loss, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, and anxiety.


Cellulitis rash may be accompanied by fever and spreads rapidly, becoming life threatening.


Parvovirus is usually a mild disease of childhood. In adults, pregnant women, and people with impaired immunity, it can be serious and sometimes recurrent and persistent. With chronic infection, feet and ankles may be periodically red or purple, particularly after baths or showers.

Raynaud disease

Familial Mediterranean Fever

This hereditary inflammatory condition is most common in people of Mediterranean extraction. A red rash on the lower legs accompanies recurring bouts of fever, abdominal pain, bowel upset, and swollen joints.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
