Are Seaweed & Alkaline Foods Anti-Inflammatory?

Varieties of seaweed and alkalizing fruits and vegetables provide nutrient-dense and low-calorie additions to your healthy diet. These foods, which form the basis of many vegetarian styles of eating, can help delay the effects of aging and prevent some degenerative diseases. Among the health benefits of seaweed and alkalizing foods are their inflammation-reducing properties.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contribute the bulk of alkalizing benefits in your diet. The alkalizing effects of fruits and vegetables also bring your urine into a more alkaline pH, decreasing kidney inflammation and stress and reducing your risk for developing kidney stones.

Seaweed and Inflammation

Eggplant & Inflammation

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Seaweed is rich in magnesium, a mineral that helps alkalize your body. ')3.

Effects of Acidic pH

By contrast, alkalizing foods generally contain higher nutrient value, which contributes to pathways that quell inflammation 4. Additionally, an acid pH damages the lining of your intestine, allowing toxins and pathogens to enter your bloodstream and activate your immune system. Illness and allergy, both of which increase inflammation, are possible outcomes.

Alkalizing Lemons

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List

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In the study, a combination of lemon and quince fruit reduced histamine release and inhibited immunoglobulin E, an antibody associated with allergic reactions and asthma. Squeeze some fresh lemon into a glass of water for an alkalizing start to your day.
