Can Too Much Apple Juice Cause a Rash?

Apple juice is a clear beverage that parents often give their babies toddlers due to its vitamin C and calcium content and non-citrus qualities. Apple juice is generally well tolerated in people of all ages, but too much of a good thing may not be appropriate. Skin rashes could be a symptom of too much apple juice.

Oral Rash

Apple juice in any quantity can cause an oral skin rash if you suffer from oral allergy syndrome 3. Oral allergy syndrome is a condition in which you are allergic to apples, and in many cases, birch pollen as well. You might suffer from an itchy, red rash around your mouth and lips after consuming fresh apples and the juice that may trickle down your face as you eat. Most commercial apple juices are pasteurized, a process that kills the allergen. For this reason, you might not experience any allergic reaction when drinking processed apple juices.

  • Apple juice in any quantity can cause an oral skin rash if you suffer from oral allergy syndrome 3.
  • For this reason, you might not experience any allergic reaction when drinking processed apple juices.

Diaper Rash

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Drinking too much apple juice can contribute to diarrhea in some people, especially young children 1. Apple juice naturally contains sorbitol, a type of sugar that is difficult for some people to digest. Sorbitol can increase bouts of diarrhea; frequent diarrhea can lead to a red rash around the anus 1. Rashes of this type are generally referred to as diaper rashes in infants and toddlers, but the irritation can occur in people of any age. Treating the rash with zinc-based creams can provide relief; cutting back on the amount of apple juice you consume can also help.

  • Drinking too much apple juice can contribute to diarrhea in some people, especially young children 1.
  • Rashes of this type are generally referred to as diaper rashes in infants and toddlers, but the irritation can occur in people of any age.

Serving Size

Limit the serving size of apple juice you drink or offer your children if frequent rashes become a problem. Children younger than 2 years old should drink a maximum of 4 oz. of fruit juice daily; children between the ages of 2 and 4 may be able to drink 4 to 6 oz. of apple juice each day without adverse effects. You can also dilute the juice with water to reduce potential harmful effects that are not related to true allergies.

  • Limit the serving size of apple juice you drink or offer your children if frequent rashes become a problem.
  • of fruit juice daily; children between the ages of 2 and 4 may be able to drink 4 to 6 oz.


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If you or your child still develop rashes even after cutting back on the amount of apple juice you drink, it may be time to get your doctor involved. Prolonged diarrhea that leads to rashes, or facial rashes that include hives and swelling of the mouth or tongue can become dangerous and even life-threatening 1. Speak to your doctor if diarrhea and diaper-area rashes continue for several days without improving 1. Seek immediate medical attention if allergic reactions to apples and apple juice include facial swelling, rapid heartbeat or a decrease in consciousness.
