Herbs to Get Rid of Fibroids

Fibroid tumors are benign growths that appear in the uterus and usually disappear on their own after the onset of menopause. Some fibroids cause discomfort and may be too large to dissolve on their own and thus may need to be excised with surgery. Herbal remedies may help shrink fibroids so they disappear completely, or reduce their size to make them easier to remove surgically. Herbs can cause side effects. Speak to a healthcare practitioner who is familiar with using herbs to remove fibroids.

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If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.


Fibroid tumors may produce symptoms in some women and others may feel nothing. Those experiencing symptoms may notice bloating, a feeling of heaviness, bleeding between periods, pain, frequent urination and incontinence. Most fibroid tumors shrink once menopause sets in due to a lower level of hormones in the body. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your gynecologist.

  • Fibroid tumors may produce symptoms in some women and others may feel nothing.


Are There Herbs That Shrink Fibroid Tumors?

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Chasteberry is known for being able to balance female hormones. In a well balanced hormonal environment, fibroid tumors may shrink due to the proper level of both estrogen and progesterone being produced. Chasteberry helps create this environment in the uterus to relieve the condition. According to the University of Maryland Medical, the recommended dose is 20mg to 40mg daily, taken early in the morning before breakfast. This is not a fast-acting treatment, possibly taking up to three months before there are noticeable changes in the tumors; however, if the herb works for you, it should be evident to your gynecologist after this amount of time. Chasteberry is considered safe for most people, producingonly mild, occasional side effects such as diarrhea, dry mouth and stomach ache. Speak to your healthcare practitioner about the correct dosing for your case.

  • Chasteberry is known for being able to balance female hormones.
  • This is not a fast-acting treatment, possibly taking up to three months before there are noticeable changes in the tumors; however, if the herb works for you, it should be evident to your gynecologist after this amount of time.

Fibroid Herb Tea

A fibroid tea consisting of a specific group of herbs may help remove residue of dissolved fibroids that remains after treatment with chasteberry, according to "Herbs for Health and Healing.” This tea helps cleanse the uterus of leftover debris 3. Like chasteberry, this is not a fast-acting process, and may take several months to completely clear the uterus. The tea consists of 1 tsp. each of motherwort leaves, cramp bark, burdock root and rhizome of wild yam. In addition, add 1/2 tsp. each of ginger root, cleavers leaves, mullein leaves and prickly ash bark. The formula is also available from herbalists and health food stores as a tincture or capsule. Since you will need to take this formula for a period of time, it may be easier to use the tincture or take capsules; however, buy only the freshest, most potent herbs you can find to ensure potency. If you make the herbal mixture yourself for tea, store it in an airtight container and only use what you need at the time. Before using this mixture in any form, check with an herbal practitioner to make sure it is what you need for your condition.

  • A fibroid tea consisting of a specific group of herbs may help remove residue of dissolved fibroids that remains after treatment with chasteberry, according to "Herbs for Health and Healing.”

Wild Yam

Herbs That Raise Estrogen Level

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Wild yam is another herb used to help balance female hormones and is thought to help prevent the growth of fibroids. Wild yam is a form of natural progesterone and should be used in concert with natural estrogen to balance hormones. Wild yam is included in many pharmaceutical progesterone creams and can cause serious side effects if to much is used. If you experience depression or severe mood swings while using wild yam, stop using it and consult your healthcare practitioner.

  • Wild yam is another herb used to help balance female hormones and is thought to help prevent the growth of fibroids.
  • Wild yam is included in many pharmaceutical progesterone creams and can cause serious side effects if to much is used.