Vitamins for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that mostly affect your legs and feet 1. Varicose veins are a common condition among many individuals, causing discomfort when walking or sitting for a long period of time 1. Luckily, there is a selection of vitamins you can take every day to help prevent and treat varicose veins 1.

Vitamin C

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, vitamin C is important for assisting in the production of collagen, a protein that is used to make collagen and elastin 23. These tissues are essential for healthy veins because they help treat pain from varicose veins and also help reduce inflammation in the arteries 1. In addition, both of these tissues help keep vein walls flexible. The Mother Nature website states that vitamin C is important for helping keep blood vessel walls strong and prevents bulging 23.

B Vitamins

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There are a variety of B vitamins from the B complex group of vitamins that can help treat and prevent varicose veins 1. According to the Mother Nature website, you should have an adequate amount of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12 and B6, in your daily diet if you have a history of blood clots in your family 23. Also, the University of Maryland Medical Center says that vitamin B3 can help improve circulation and also reduces levels of cholesterol in your blood 23.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also important for varicose veins because it helps to improve overall circulation and promotes healthy blood flow 123. According to the Mother Nature website, vitamin E is needed to keep platelets from sticking together and adhering to the side of blood vessel walls 23. Vitamin E helps to reduce the stickiness of blood platelets, which is also essential for helping individuals who are in the high risk category from suffering conditions such as blood clots and type 1 diabetes 23.
