Throat Exercises to Reduce Snoring

Snoring is caused by air not flowing smoothly through your throat or nasal passages and vibrating over relaxed tissues as you breathe in or out, says the NHS Choices 1. The soft palette at the back of your mouth and the muscles in your nose and throat relax while you're sleeping. Throat exercises can help reduce this condition, but it is important to seek medical advice before you start any snoring treatment 24.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Chin Presses for Your Throat Muscles

Snoring is common in people who are overweight, elderly or have respiratory conditions, because the conditions often cause weak throat muscles, says the UK Health Centre 2. One exercise to strengthen these muscles and stop them from relaxing when you sleep is to place one finger on your chin and gently press it back and down so it’s slightly tucked. You should feel the muscles in the side of your neck tense. Hold for several seconds, relax and repeat several times just before going to bed.

  • Snoring is common in people who are overweight, elderly or have respiratory conditions, because the conditions often cause weak throat muscles, says the UK Health Centre 2.
  • One exercise to strengthen these muscles and stop them from relaxing when you sleep is to place one finger on your chin and gently press it back and down so it’s slightly tucked.

Sipping Through a Straw

Exercises to Completely Stop Snoring

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This exercise enhances the range of movement in your throat muscles. Flexible throat muscles are better able to open and close to allow air to flow smoothly in and out as you breathe during sleep. Inhale through pursed lips as if you are sipping through a straw. Flatten your lips and press them together and swallow, recommends Hold this position for five seconds, relax and repeat the exercise five times a day to stretch and strengthen your throat muscles.

  • This exercise enhances the range of movement in your throat muscles.

Stop Snoring by Singing

Sing when you are awake to stop snoring when you are asleep 4. Singing forces you to open your mouth wider and expands your throat as you inhale. To tone your throat, sing for 20 minutes everyday.

Open Up and Say Ahhh

How to Safely Gargle Hydrogen Peroxide

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A common cause of snoring is the relaxing of your tongue and soft palette on the roof of your mouth which causes your tongue and palette to push against each other and obstruct the flow of air 1. Strengthen your tongue and the muscles around the opening of your throat by sticking out your tongue. Keep your tongue flat and stick it out straight, as far as you can. Slowly move your tongue from left to right and up and down, making sure not to curl it. After moving your tongue in all directions, take a short break, then repeat the exercise three times.

  • A common cause of snoring is the relaxing of your tongue and soft palette on the roof of your mouth which causes your tongue and palette to push against each other and obstruct the flow of air 1.
  • Slowly move your tongue from left to right and up and down, making sure not to curl it.