Women's Body Sculpting Diet

To sculpt your body, you need to eat the right balance of nutrients in proportion to your energy output. To lose weight, consume fewer calories in a day than you burn through exercise. Increase your caloric intake to exceed your daily energy output when you need to gain muscle weight. Eating the right types of nutrients will help you sculpt the body you desire.


A sculpting diet consists of the right amounts of the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates and fats. Protein and carbohydrates fuel your body with energy and fat provides essential fatty acids to carry fat-soluble vitamins to your cells. Your diet also needs micronutrients of vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, folic acid and potassium.


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Select lean protein meat sources such as skinless chicken and turkey, pork loin, sirloin and fish. Cut away the excess fat and grill, roast, broil, bake or saute your meat in olive oil. Add more plant based proteins to your diet such as beans, legumes and peas. Use whole-grain products along with fruits and vegetables as your carbohydrate source. Limit your fat intake to healthy omega-3 fats found in fish, nuts and seeds. Avoid saturated and trans fat foods.

  • Select lean protein meat sources such as skinless chicken and turkey, pork loin, sirloin and fish.
  • Limit your fat intake to healthy omega-3 fats found in fish, nuts and seeds.


A body sculpting daily diet for women includes 2 1/2 cups of vegetables, 2 cups of fruit, 6 ounces of grains, 5 ounces of protein and 5 teaspoons of healthy oils, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Keep your intake of foods with wholesome polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats at 20 percent of your daily calories. To add muscle to your body, increase your daily intake of protein and eat six small meals a day so your body will absorb it properly. Eat from a small dinner plate and strive for a colorful variety of foods in fist-size portions.

  • A body sculpting daily diet for women includes 2 1/2 cups of vegetables, 2 cups of fruit, 6 ounces of grains, 5 ounces of protein and 5 teaspoons of healthy oils, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


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Drink low- or no-fat milk daily to ensure you get enough calcium and vitamin D. Other great calcium sources are low-fat yogurt and cheeses. Fruits and vegetables are vitamin and mineral power sources that are low calorie and contain no cholesterol. They are also high in fiber, which means they will keep your stomach fuller on less food.


Combine your sculpting diet with regular exercise to get the best results. Include at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity at moderate intensity five days a week. Choose body sculpting exercises such as lap swimming, water aerobics, cycling or brisk walking. Two days a week complete strengthening exercises such as weight lifting or resistance training to break down and rebuild your muscles. Add muscle stretching exercises, such as yoga or Pilates, to give your sculpted muscles a lean look.

  • Combine your sculpting diet with regular exercise to get the best results.
  • Two days a week complete strengthening exercises such as weight lifting or resistance training to break down and rebuild your muscles.