Why Does the Nose Get Oily?

When people look at your skin, it relays non-verbal communication to them. A nose that appears oily may seem to be the result of infrequent or improper washing, a sign of poor personal hygiene, but this is not true. An oily nose is not a result of cleanliness; it is a result of nature.

Oil Glands

The skin on the nose contains oils glands, which emit sebum. According to SkinCareRx, the oil glands are larger and more active on the nose, leading them to produce more oil. This is because the oil glands protect the face from the sun and other environmental hazards. They also provide lubrication and exfoliation.

  • The skin on the nose contains oils glands, which emit sebum.

T Zone

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Imagine drawing a big "T" on the center of your face that extends from left to right across your forehead and then down past your nose and onto your chin. According to Acne Resource Center Online, the nose, which lies in the T Zone, collects oil because of the contours in the face. A common location for oil to builds up is at the corners of the nose.


According to Acne Resource Center, hands touch the face both purposely and accidentally throughout the day. While you may clean your hands on a regular basis, they are not always sterilized and oil-free. For instance, touching your hair and then touching your nose transfers the oil from your hair to your nose.


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Oil production is caused by sex hormones known as androgens. Androgens cause the sebaceous glands to grow and become more active, which in turn produces more oil. During puberty, the body produces more oil, especially on the nose.

Caring for an Oily Nose

According to Kids Health, astringents significantly decrease oil on the nose 1. With the astringent, you wipe away the excess oil. Another way to keep the oil level down on the nose is to wash with a mild cleanser. Last, applying a little lemon juice to the nose also decreases the amount of oil.

  • According to Kids Health, astringents significantly decrease oil on the nose 1.
  • Another way to keep the oil level down on the nose is to wash with a mild cleanser.