Signs and Symptoms of a Yeast Infection in the Throat

A yeast infection in the throat is a medical condition more commonly referred to as candida esophagitis 124. This type of infection develops when a naturally-occurring yeast called Candida albicans grows uncontrollably in the throat. People who have compromised or weakened immune systems due to disease or disease treatments, such as HIV, leukemia or chemotherapy, are at an increased risk of developing a throat yeast infection, according to MedlinePlus, a publication of the National Institutes of Health. People who develop any of the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection in the throat should consult a physician for further evaluation and care.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Sore Throat

People who have this type of a yeast infection can experience sensations of pain while swallowing due to sore throat symptoms, Discovery Health reports 4. Fungal overgrowth in the throat can inflame and irritate this region of the digestive tract, which can cause discomfort. Painful swallowing or sore throat symptoms can contribute to a temporary loss of appetite in certain people.

Difficulty Swallowing

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Throat inflammation caused by a yeast infection can narrow this passageway, leading to difficulty swallowing 3. Affected people can experience a persistent or recurrent sensation that something is stuck at the back of the throat. Additionally, certain people can experience chest discomfort or unusual pressure in the throat or upper body after eating due to swallowing difficulties, MedlinePlus explains 3.

Oral Yeast Infection

An oral yeast infection, or thrush, can occur in conjunction with a throat yeast infection, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center 1. In fact, a throat yeast infection can develop when high levels of yeast in the mouth, caused by thrush, migrate into the throat. Symptoms of oral thrush include oral discomfort; decreased taste sensation; white, creamy oral lesions along the mouth or tongue; cracked skin at the corners of the mouth; and minor oral bleeding 5. People with an oral or throat yeast infection generally need to take an antifungal medication to eradicate the infection and alleviate uncomfortable signs and symptoms.
