Side Effects of Losing Too Much Blood

If you lose too much blood, problems ranging from weakness and dizziness to trouble breathing and shock can occur.

Factors Affecting the Severity of Side Effects

Your health, volume of blood loss, and how quickly it occurs will determine the severity of your side effects.

External Bleeding

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Bleeding occurs from physical trauma, wounds, surgery, or through a body orifice like the mouth, nose, or anus.

Internal Bleeding

Internal bleeding occurs when blood stays in the body but is lost from the blood vessels. This can result in pain and swelling, although bleeding may not be visible.


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Your organs and tissues are affected by insufficient blood supply when you lose blood. Bleeding disorders and the use of blood thinners can worsen complications of blood loss.

Treating Blood Loss

The bleeding must be stopped and the effects of blood loss must be addressed. Direct pressure, bandaging, suturing, and surgery are all used. Fluids are replaced orally or by transfusion.
