Restless Finger Syndrome

Twitches, tics and other involuntary motions of the finger are a type of movement disorder or dystonia. Although such spasms can be symptoms of many conditions, restless fingers are frequently associated with writer’s cramp and musician’s cramp.


Writer’s and musician’s cramps result from repetitive use of muscles in the hand, forearm or fingers. Spasms occur when opposing muscles contract simultaneously.


Trigger Finger Exercises

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Dystonia--muscle tone dysfunction--can affect almost any part of the body, or multiple parts. When only one part is affected, such as the finger, it is termed a focal dystonia.


Typists, draftsmen and others who perform repetitive motions in their work, as well as writers and musicians, may suffer from focal dystonia, which can be considered an occupational disorder.


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Initially, involuntary movements may occur when the finger or other body part is involved in a voluntary action. As the condition worsens, the movements may appear even when the body part is resting.


Treatments for writer’s and musician’s cramps may include relaxation techniques and hypnosis, administration of botulinum toxin, or surgery.

Serious disorders

Severe diseases that may cause uncontrolled movements such as restless finger include Parkinson’s Disease and Huntington’s Disease. These are progressive and degenerative disorders that affect the brain and nervous system.
