How to Relieve Hernia Pain

Hernias occur when tears in a particular body tissue allow another organ to partially push through, causing pain and discomfort, as well as serious health risks. There are two main types of hernias: hiatal and inguinal 1. Hiatal hernias occur when the stomach pushes through the diaphragm, and inguinal hernias occur when part of the intestine pushes through the lower abdominal wall.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Relieving Hernia Pain

Go to the doctor. If your physician agrees that your hernia is small enough to take a wait-and-see approach, then continue to diligently monitor your symptoms. Any changes in the size of the hernia or intensity of the pain may require an additional medical evaluation.

Medication for Hernia Pain

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Relax and find a comfortable position. For the watch-and-wait types of hernias, you can choose to take an over the counter pain medication for five to seven days. This may help dull the initial pain of the hernia 12.

Brew and drink chamomile tea. According to Home Remedies, this herb has been known to help to soothe some of the pain associated with hernias. It also has been known to aid in relaxation, and is used as a pain reliever for many different types of pain.

Hernia Signs and Symptoms in a Male

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Apply ice to the affected area. Allow the ice to stay in position for 20 minutes. Take the ice off for 20 minutes, and reapply for another 20 minutes. Repeat this cycle two to three times per day.

Swallow the recommended dose of rupturewort with water. Pay attention to the package instructions. Rupturewort is an optional home remedy often recommended to relieve hernia pain. You may also add a dash of cayenne pepper to your food or to four to eight ounces of water, as cayenne has also been noted for hernia relief. All herbal remedies should be taken with caution and under the supervision of a physician or experienced herbalist. Herbs are not regulated by the FDA.


The Mayo Clinic recommends ingesting high-fiber foods and maintaining a healthy weight as two of the best ways to prevent hernias. Quitting smoking and avoiding lifting heavy objects will also help prevent hernias. The pain of hiatial hernias can be relieved by elevating your head while sleeping and eating smaller, more frequent meals.


If your hernia becomes enlarged or more painful, you will most likely need to have it surgically removed. Hernioplasty and herniorrhaphy are the two most common procedures for correcting hernias. Hernioplasty is often preferred; due to its use of a fiber-optic tube with a tiny camera, the hernia is corrected laparoscopically. Hernias can be dangerous if they are not monitored by a health professional. Do not leave your hernia untreated.

  • If your physician agrees that your hernia is small enough to take a wait-and-see approach, then continue to diligently monitor your symptoms.
  • Swallow the recommended dose of rupturewort with water.