Myoril Side Effects

Myoril is a medication used in the treatment or relief of painful muscle spasms caused by degenerative vertebral disorders, dorsal pain, low back pain, torticollis, and traumatological and neurological disorders. Myoril tablets contain 4 mg of thiocolchicoside. As with any medication, side effects may be experienced while taking Myoril.

Serious Side Effects

Several side effects are associated with Myoril use. Serious side effects include muscle cramps, ulcers in the mouth, rapid weight gain, seizures, jaundice and abdominal cramping or heartburn. Allergic reactions such as closing of the throat, difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips or face and hives are examples of allergic reactions to Myoril. Use of this medication should be stopped and medical help should be sought immediately if serious side effects are experienced.

Less Serious Side Effects

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Myoril should continue to be taken if other less serious side effects are experienced. A doctor should still be consulted if a person experiences dizziness, headaches, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, depression, fatigue, dry mouth or irregular menstrual periods while taking Myoril.

Drug Interactions

Several medications may lead to negative side effects if taken while on a regimen involving Myoril. Some medications that may alter the effectiveness of Myoril are aspirin; over-the-counter cough, cold or allergy medications; anticoagulants such as warfarin; steroids such as prednisone; insulin; probenecid and lithium. A doctor should be informed if any of these medications are going to be taken with Myoril.


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Prolonged overexposure to sunlight should be avoided while on this medication because Myoril may increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. Consistently drinking more than three alcoholic beverages during the day while using this medication may increase the likelihood of stomach bleeding. A doctor should be consulted if a person experiences bloody vomit or bloody, black or tarry stool as these may be symptoms indicating stomach or intestinal damage.


As with most medications, there is a risk of overdose if more than the recommended amount of Myoril is taken. Typical symptoms of a Myoril overdose are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, ringing in the ears, seizures, sweating, blurred vision, numbness or tingling, slow breathing and little or no production of urine. Medical attention should be sought immediately in the case of a suspected overdose.
