How to Get Rid of Rash Marks

Rashes are caused by skin irritants such as chemicals, plants, heat or friction as with shaving. Although causes of irritation differ, physical characteristics of different rashes can be very similar. Identified by inflammation, redness and a splotchy appearance, rashes may be painful or just itchy. Whatever the cause of your rash, prompt treatment is required to prevent infection and scarring. Following proper treatment guidelines will heal the marks left by rashes and ease any discomfort.

Apply over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to your rash to ease inflammation and itching. According to "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies," hydrocortisone restricts the blood vessels, easing symptoms of your rash 1. However, it is only meant for short-term use. Overuse of hydrocortisone could lead to a dependency and increase of inflammation and redness once you stop use.

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Apply a cool compress to your skin to reduce inflammation and pain. According to the website Net Doctor, this is especially helpful for cooling heat rashes. Dampen a cotton cloth or rag with cold water and apply to the skin for up to five minutes. Remove the cloth and allow your skin to air dry.

Add 1 cup of baking soda or epsom salts to your bathwater and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. According to, this home remedy will help ease itching and inflammation, thus reducing rash marks and speeding the healing process.

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Apply a moisturizer to your skin after bathing to help your skin retain moisture needed for collagen synthesis. This also helps combat dryness and itching.

Apply a honey and lemon mixture to your rash to fade and reduce marks, suggests This treatment does take time and is effective on scars and fresh marks. Lemon and honey are natural bleaching agents.
