Upon awakening, it is aggravating if the first thing you have to deal with is a runny nose, even before having your first cup of coffee. On the other hand, some people battle stuffed-up noses every morning, a state which often leads to headaches and, of course, an inability to breathe correctly.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Function of a Runny Nose

According to Npr.org, a runny nose is an example of self-correcting plumbing 1. When the nose runs, it is draining "gunk" out of itself, according to Dr. Robert Enberg, an allergist at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. The accumulation of "stuff" in your nose can be the result of a cold or allergy, or perhaps your body is merely flushing out your nose with a fluid composed of antibodies, salt water and proteins.

Allergies, Sinus and Medication

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If you virtually always awaken with a runny nose, this is probably the result of some sort of allergy. If you have a sinus infection, this too will most likely lead to a runny nose.

Vasomotor Rhinitis

When a person has a condition called vasomotor rhinitis, this results in postnasal drip, a runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion. Your nose will drip like a biological faucet in the morning when you get up. A drastic change in the weather can prompt vasomotor rhinitis. In addition, this condition can be brought on by fatigue, hormonal changes and stress.

  • When a person has a condition called vasomotor rhinitis, this results in postnasal drip, a runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion.
  • In addition, this condition can be brought on by fatigue, hormonal changes and stress.


How to Stop Sinus Drainage in the Throat

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Consider the medications you are taking. Ask your physician if they are responsible for your runny nose. Perhaps he or she can prescribe something else that won’t have this effect. High blood pressure and heart disease medications can cause a runny nose.

  • Consider the medications you are taking.
  • Ask your physician if they are responsible for your runny nose.


If a runny nose is a persistent problem or you, drink lots of liquids, as this will replace the fluids that you are losing through your nose. Put a humidifier in your bedroom so that there is moisture in the air. A dry room exacerbates your problem. You need to clean the humidifier on a daily basis, using vinegar, because this will prevent the development of fungus or molds.

  • If a runny nose is a persistent problem or you, drink lots of liquids, as this will replace the fluids that you are losing through your nose.
  • You need to clean the humidifier on a daily basis, using vinegar, because this will prevent the development of fungus or molds.

What to Avoid

When allergies are the culprit, you need to avoid that which is causing your nose to run. Buy a lint-free bedspread and sleep on pillows that are synthetic instead of feather pillows. Regularly dust your bedroom and put plastic covers over your box-spring and mattress.

  • When allergies are the culprit, you need to avoid that which is causing your nose to run.
  • Buy a lint-free bedspread and sleep on pillows that are synthetic instead of feather pillows.

Irrigate Your Nose

Some people find that irrigating their noses helps both with nasal congestion and a runny nose. Saline irrigation may be the answer that you are looking for. Those who regularly rinse out their nasal passages report fewer sinus problems.
