Benefits of Vitamin C With Rose Hips

Rose hips are the small fruits that appear on a rose plant after blossoming. They look similar to tiny pomegranates or tomatoes, growing at the tip of the stem, and are red or orange in color. Rose hips have a variety of uses stemming from their high vitamin content, including vitamin C, and can be used to treat or alleviate the symptoms of a number of ailments. Vitamin C is a traditional remedy for scurvy, and is also used for its ability to treat the common cold. Rose Hips and Vitamin C can be used either in conjunction, or separately.

General Health Maintenance

Vitamin C is helpful to maintain the health of blood vessels, bones, teeth, skin and cartilage, according to the National Institutes of Health. It also helps to protect the body's cells from damage and is known for its antioxidant properties. Rose hips are also useful in boosting and maintaining the body's immune system, due to their high vitamin C content.

Cold and Flu Symptoms

The Benefits of Vitamin C With Rose Hips for the Skin Tone

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The Viable Herbal Solutions website cites the high concentration of vitamin C, as well as beta carotene, vitamin E and vitamin K, as effective in treating several conditions related to vitamin C deficiency. These include colds, influenza and general debility and exhaustion.

Rose hips are also useful in the treatment of colds due to their high content of vitamin C, and can be used as a Vitamin C substitute, or combined. Rose Hips also act as a mild laxative and diuretic and can be used to regulate bowels or treat diarrhea.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Lara Endreszl, writing for, notes that research has indicated rose hips as a means of alleviating some of the pain and other symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. In one specific study, subjects showed a 25 percent improvement after applications of rose hips, with a 40 percent reduction in joint pain.

Uses of Blended Vitamin C and Rose Hips

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Vitamin C, combined with rose hips, may be taken orally as a treatment or precaution against many other illnesses commonly associated with vitamin C deficiency. Scurvy and Macular Degeneration are listed among these illnesses. It is also used as a urinary acidifier and as a treatment for tyrosinemia in premature infants on high protein diets. It also treats idiopathic methemoglobinemia and can be administered during deferoxamine therapy to increase iron excretion, according to
