Peanuts & Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral that should be included as part of your healthy diet on a daily basis. Many foods, including peanuts, contain magnesium. When you opt for nutritious sources of magnesium, you are likely to consume all you need from diet alone. If you have a magnesium deficiency, adding foods high in this mineral may help to bring your levels back to normal. Speak with your doctor about adding magnesium to your diet through food to see if this is the healthiest choice for you.


Magnesium is a mineral that your entire body needs to function properly, but is essential for the health of your heart, muscles and kidneys. You also need magnesium for healthy teeth and bones. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that the average diet does not include enough magnesium 3. It says that adding healthy sources of this mineral is a way to provide your body with exactly what it needs to function well. Magnesium may also be an effective treatment for various health conditions, including migraine headaches, asthma, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

  • Magnesium is a mineral that your entire body needs to function properly, but is essential for the health of your heart, muscles and kidneys.

Daily Intake

Magnesium From Milk

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You need a different daily amount of magnesium depending on your age and gender. Children between the ages of 1 and 3 need 80 mg per day, and children between the ages of 4 and 8 require 130 mg daily. Children between the ages of 9 and 13 need 240 mg. Between the ages of 14 and 18, males need 410 mg of magnesium and females need 360 mg. After age 18 and until age 30, males require 400 mg each day and females require 310 mg. After age 30, males need 420 mg per day and females need 320 each day.

  • You need a different daily amount of magnesium depending on your age and gender.
  • After age 18 and until age 30, males require 400 mg each day and females require 310 mg.


Nuts, including peanuts, are a healthy way to boost your daily magnesium intake. While peanuts are not the nut variety highest in magnesium, if you add them to your diet you will get a healthy dose of this essential mineral. A 1 oz. serving of peanuts contains 50 mg of magnesium. If you eat your peanuts in peanut butter form, you will get 49 mg of magnesium in each 2 tbsp. serving.

  • Nuts, including peanuts, are a healthy way to boost your daily magnesium intake.
  • While peanuts are not the nut variety highest in magnesium, if you add them to your diet you will get a healthy dose of this essential mineral.


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While peanuts are considered part of a healthy diet, they are high in fat and calories. Limit how many servings of peanuts you consume toward your daily magnesium requirement. Include other healthy sources of magnesium in your diet to help keep your fat and calorie intake in check. Dark green leafy vegetables, halibut, baked potatoes, black-eyed peas, yogurt, avocado, kidney beans and raisins are additional sources of magnesium. Try combining raisins with peanuts and serving them over yogurt, or prepare a salad with spinach and avocado and sprinkle it with peanuts.

  • While peanuts are considered part of a healthy diet, they are high in fat and calories.
  • Include other healthy sources of magnesium in your diet to help keep your fat and calorie intake in check.