Advice on Zumba for Obese Beginners
If you want a workout that feels more like a party, Zumba might be right up your alley. However, as someone who's obese, you might be a little concerned about getting started. Good news: Zumba is accessible to everyone, no matter what size they wear.
In fact, if it's a dislike of exercise that helped you gain weight, a study published in American Journal of Health Behavior found that obese women with type 2 diabetes found Zumba so enjoyable that it increased motivation to exercise. It also helped with weight loss and decreased body fat percentage.
As a low-impact workout, Zumba is a good workout for those who have joint problems stemming from obesity 1. However, be sure to modify a dance routine (or ask an instructor to help) if you find it painful on your knees, hips or other joints.
If you're ready to get grooving, don't be intimidated. Commit to Zumba, and you might find yourself loving your workout unlike ever before.
Start Slowly
Any new workout is difficult, but the Latin-inspired dance steps can be a little tricky for a novice Zumba-goer. Don't feel that you have to keep up with the more-experienced dancers in the group. Do modifications when the instructor offers them, as it will help get your feet wet as a dancer.
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If you're not ready to dance in front of other people, try out a Zumba DVD first. It can teach you basic steps, so you don't feel like you have two left feet when you eventually move to a studio setting. Check out if any streaming services that you subscribe to offer Zumba videos or visit your local library to check for Zumba DVDs that might be available.
Bring Plenty of Water
When you're shaking it, you might forget to rehydrate. Don't make this mistake, though -- Zumba is a hard cardio workout. Obese people need more water than average-weight folks, research shows, and they're more likely to be dehydrated. Bring along a big water bottle to your Zumba class, and refill it as necessary.
- When you're shaking it, you might forget to rehydrate.
- Obese people need more water than average-weight folks, research shows, and they're more likely to be dehydrated.
Talk to the Instructor
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The group fitness class teachers are there to help you. They want you to succeed. When you attend your first Zumba class, greet the instructor and let her know that you're a newbie. This shows that you're open to extra encouragement and feedback, and they will be sure to provide important modifications when necessary.
- The group fitness class teachers are there to help you.
- When you attend your first Zumba class, greet the instructor and let her know that you're a newbie.
Related Articles
- Obesity Action Coalition: Zumba!
- Time: Why Zumba Is Insanely Good Exercise
- A Healthier Michigan: Starting Zumba? Here are Tips from Women Who Were Once in Your Gym Shoes
- Vendramin B, Bergamin M, Gobbo S, et al. Health benefits of Zumba fitness training: A systematic review. PM R. 2016;8(12):1181-1200. doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2016.06.010
- Araneta MR, Tanori D. Benefits of Zumba Fitness® among sedentary adults with components of the metabolic syndrome: A pilot study. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2014;55(10):1227-1233.
- Inouye J, Nichols A, Maskarinec G, Tseng CW. A survey of musculoskeletal injuries associated with Zumba. Hawaii J Med Public Health. 2013;72(12):433-6.
- Delextrat AA, Warner S, Graham S, Neupert E. An 8-week exercise intervention based on Zumba improves aerobic fitness and psychological well-being in healthy women. J Phys Act Health. 2016;13(2):131-9. doi:10.1123/jpah.2014-0535
Writer Bio
Kelsey Casselbury is a freelance writer and editor based in central Maryland. Her clients have included Livestrong, School Nutrition magazine, What's Up? Media, American Academy of Clinical Chemistry, SmartBrief and more. She has a formal education in personal training/nutrition and a bachelor's degree in journalism from The Pennsylvania State University.