Almonds As a Blood Thinner

Almonds are a natural blood thinner. If your blood is too thick, you may be able to incorporate almonds into your treatment routine. Because thick blood is a potentially dangerous condition, doctor supervision is necessary. Depending on your circumstances, you may need to take medication for optimal treatment.

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Thick Blood

Blood clotting is your body's natural mechanism for healing injuries. When you get a cut, platelets in your blood stick together to form a blood clot and stop the bleeding. But if your blood is thick, your body will create blood clots more often than normal. Also known as a hypercoagulable state or thrombophilia, the condition causes your blood to clot when it's simply moving through the body. Hypercoagulable states could be dangerous without diagnosis and treatment 1. If you are in such a state, you have an increased risk for blood clots in the arteries and veins.

  • Blood clotting is your body's natural mechanism for healing injuries.
  • But if your blood is thick, your body will create blood clots more often than normal.

Blood Thinner Medications

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If you have thick blood, a blood thinner may help symptoms although doctor supervision is essential. Medications with blood-thinning properties are available such as Heparin and Warfarin. Heparin is given through the veins or beneath the skin. It cannot be administered by mouth. The drug can be used to reduce stroke risk or damage, or to reduce in hospitalized stroke patients the risk of blood clots in leg veins. Warfarin is taken orally and can reduce the risk of stroke in some patients.

  • If you have thick blood, a blood thinner may help symptoms although doctor supervision is essential.
  • Warfarin is taken orally and can reduce the risk of stroke in some patients.

Almonds as Blood Thinners

Many foods, including almonds, have properties that will thin blood. If you are taking a blood-thinning medication, your doctor may advise you to avoid these foods to avoid over thinning the blood. Almond works as a blood thinner because of its vitamin E content. It is also low in vitamin K, which can thicken the blood. Robert J. Glynn, a Harvard Medical School professor, noted that vitamin E shows promise for stopping potentially deadly clots in people who aren't taking prescription blood thinners.

  • Many foods, including almonds, have properties that will thin blood.
  • Robert J. Glynn, a Harvard Medical School professor, noted that vitamin E shows promise for stopping potentially deadly clots in people who aren't taking prescription blood thinners.


Foods That Affect Blood Clotting

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If you have a hypercoagulable condition, working with your doctor is essential. Also talk with your doctor if you are concerned with having blood that is too thin. Physicians can advise you on foods to eat and medications that may be helpful.

  • If you have a hypercoagulable condition, working with your doctor is essential.
  • Also talk with your doctor if you are concerned with having blood that is too thin.