What Do Mangos Do for the Body?

Mango is a tropical fruit with a low number of calories and little fat. The sweet flesh of this juicy fruit makes a tasty accompaniment to your breakfast or any meal, as well as a nutritious snack. The mango does good things for your body, but do not consume this fruit to treat diseases or medical conditions unless you consult with your doctor first.

Helps with Wound Healing

Eating mango is a smart choice if you have suffered an injury or have undergone surgery. A 1-cup serving of raw mango pieces contains 76 percent of the daily recommended intake of this vitamin. The vitamin C in this tropical fruit helps cuts and lacerations heal faster. A study published in the March 2009 issue of the “Ostonomy Wound Management” journal indicates that vitamin C promotes collagen production, which helps wounds heal faster. Researchers point out that the DRI for vitamin C is set for healthy people, so if you have sustained an injury, you may need to take more, and consuming mango can help increase the amount you get.

  • Eating mango is a smart choice if you have suffered an injury or have undergone surgery.
  • Researchers point out that the DRI for vitamin C is set for healthy people, so if you have sustained an injury, you may need to take more, and consuming mango can help increase the amount you get.

Boosts Eye Health

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The vitamin A content of mango – 25 percent of the daily recommended intake -- makes it a great choice to protect your eyes from a range of conditions. This fruit is important for corneal protection, which helps your eye ward off bacteria and viruses that may trigger infections, such as pink eye. The vitamin A in mango may also decrease your risk of macular degeneration. Patients who undergo some forms of gastric bypass may benefit from mango consumption. Research in the November-December 2010 edition of “Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases” says that people who have had a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass often experience eye problems due to vitamin A deficiency 4.

  • The vitamin A content of mango – 25 percent of the daily recommended intake -- makes it a great choice to protect your eyes from a range of conditions.
  • This fruit is important for corneal protection, which helps your eye ward off bacteria and viruses that may trigger infections, such as pink eye.

Contributes to Fiber Intake

One serving of mango contributes 2.6 g of fiber. You require 25 to 38 g of fiber each day to combat constipation and diarrhea, and eating mango can help you meet your goals. The fiber in mango may also help prevent breast cancer, according to a study in the May 2011 “European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.” Research in the 1995 issue of the “European Journal of Clinical Nutrition” says that freezing mango has no impact on the fiber content, so whether you eat mango fresh or thawed from frozen fruit, it is just as healthy 5.

Promotes Mood

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Mango contains vitamin B-6 – 11 percent of the daily recommended intake per serving – which promotes the production of serotonin. This hormone elevates your mood, so eating mango may help prevent depression and improve your feeling of general well-being. An article in the November 2007 issue of the “Journal of Psychiatric Neuroscience” says that diet is one of the best ways to get more serotonin to your brain, so eat mango to boost your mood.
