How to Ease a Nervous Stomach

"Nervous stomach" is a term often used interchangeably with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS 13. IBS causes stomach pain and sickness. The triggers are different for each IBS sufferer, but the treatments are the same. You can help ease a nervous stomach by knowing and understanding your triggers so you know how to properly treat your individual reason for a nervous stomach. The right foods, stress reduction and medication can help ease your nervous stomach.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Identify the triggers for your nervous stomach. If stress and anxiety seem to be the culprits, you may need to engage in stress-reduction tactics, rather than diet changes to manage your nervous stomach.

What Medicines Can Help a Nervous Stomach?

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Eat foods rich in fiber, including fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains, notes The Cleveland Clinic. Insoluble fiber can help regulate your digestive system for a more settled stomach.

Avoid foods that commonly trigger upset stomach and irritable bowels. lists these foods as carbonated drinks, alcohol, fatty and fried foods, processed snacks and chips, chocolate and foods with caffeine.

Why Does My Stomach Rumble?

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Keep a food journal so that when you eat something and it gives you a nervous stomach, you can write it down to remember for later. Dairy products are frequent culprits, since your stomach may be sensitive to lactose.

Carry a bottle of over-the-counter antacids with you. Simple calcium carbonate tablets are a good choice for quick results. Take them before you eat or enter a stressful situation to help prevent acid and help calm your stomach.


Schedule an appointment with your doctor if your nervous stomach symptoms don't improve with lifestyle changes. You may require prescription medication to help temper the symptoms, especially if they're a result of diet or excess acid in the stomach. Your doctor may refer you to a psychologist if your nervous stomach is the result of stress and anxiety.
