How to Get Rid of Gas Bubbles in Your Stomach

Bloating and gas build-up can occur after eating foods that are high in fiber, or can be a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome. The key to reducing gas bubbles in your stomach is a combination of modifying your diet and taking over-the-counter medication or trying natural home remedies. If excessive gas continues or discomfort increases contact your physician immediately.

Reduce your wheat consumption. Although wheat and dietary fiber prevent constipation and assist in lowering cholesterol, they can also cause a build-up of gas that creates uncomfortable gas bubbles. Excess gas created after eating wheat may be a sign of a wheat intolerance or allergy, according to Brian E. Lacy, author of "Making Sense of IBS." Besides bread and pasta, wheat is also found in processed foods, salad dressings, soy sauce, ice cream and cold cuts 1.

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Try eliminating dairy from your diet. Your upset stomach could be a sign of lactose intolerance. Lactose is a disaccharide found in milk and milk products. If you are lactose intolerant your body is unable to produce the enzyme lactase. Reduce or eliminate all dairy from your diet until symptoms subside.

Take over-the-counter medication. You can purchase antiflatulents, probiotics or antibiotics, according to Lacy. Antiflatulents include simethicones such as Gas-X and Mylicon. Simethicones quickly alleviate symptoms by breaking up the gas bubbles that cause pain. Simethicones come in pill form, and no more than four should be taken within a 24 hour period. Side effects of simethicones include diarrhea, constipation and intestinal pain.

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Take probiotics to help balance the levels of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics can be taken as a pill or consumed in the form of yogurt, and help with digestion.

Try natural home remedies 3. Fennel is a popular herb that can be eaten before or after a meal to reduce flatulence. Drink fennel tea to relieve upset stomach and prevent gas build-up. Mint tea works just as well, and can be purchased at most drug stores and natural health food stores. These natural remedies are considered safer alternatives as they do not cause side effects and provide fast-acting relief, according to "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies." Ginger ale can also provide gas relief, as the small amount of ginger settles the stomach the same way mint helps 3. Ginger breaks up the gas bubble and reduces other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

Talk to your doctor about antibiotics, which can also balance out the amount of bacteria in your stomach. If there is too much bacteria in the stomach, the medication can destroy the excess bacteria, according to Lacy. Antibiotics are given by your doctor as a last resort due to the possibility of adverse reactions to the medication such as headache, fatigue and vomiting.
