Partial Hysterectomy & PMS Symptoms

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), according to experts at WebMd, is tied to a woman's fluctuations in hormone levels, particularly during her monthly cycle. Because every woman's body makeup, including hormone levels is different, some may experience PMS from those fluctuations while others don't. The website for Safe Menopause Solutions explains that even a partial hysterectomy will affect a woman's hormone production levels, causing the kind of imbalances that can contribute to PMS symptoms.


A partial hysterectomy, Safe Menopause Solutions indicates, causes the blood supply to the ovaries to lessen. That reduced blood supply typically causes the ovaries to stop functioning anywhere from one to three years after surgery. Because the ovaries produce the essential hormones testosterone and progesterone, when the ovaries stop functioning, production of those hormone levels also stops. The reduction in essential hormones can cause PMS symptoms. Once ovulation stops, menopause may begin.

Hysterectomy Defined

Partial Hysterectomy & PMS Symptoms

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Safe Menopause Solutions describes a full hysterectomy as removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. A partial or subtotal hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the uterus but leaves the ovaries, cervix and fallopian tubes intact, according to Women to Women. In both cases there are different techniques ranging from laser procedures that are less invasive than full surgery to extraction procedures that use a small abdominal incision or removal of the uterus through the vagina.

PMS Defined

While suffering from PMS symptoms tends to run in families, according to WebMD, even within families the actual symptoms can differ. Typical PMS symptoms include: tender breasts, acne, bloating, cramps or lower back pain, food cravings, headaches, mood swings and a lack of energy. To reduce symptoms, physicians encourage patients to avoid salt, caffeine and alcohol, get plenty of exercise, vitamin B6 and extra calcium, and take an anti-inflammatory to reduce aches and pains.


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Not all PMS-like symptoms always indicate PMS, even if you've had a partial hysterectomy that is affecting your hormone production, cautions WebMD experts. PMS-like symptoms can also indicate a more serious condition like thyroid disease. Patients are encouraged to record and track their specific symptoms monthly and discuss them with their personal physician. For a proper diagnosis, your physician will conduct a complete physical examination, possibly including blood tests.


PMS symptoms and even menopausal symptoms caused by a partial hysterectomy can be treated. Experts at Safe Menopause Solutions suggest a saliva test to verify the crucial levels of hormones in the body. Although hormone replacement therapy is suggested, synthetic hormones are very controversial because of health-related issues. Safe Menopause Solutions suggests speaking with your doctor about bio-identical hormones, which are theoretically the same as what's found in the body.
