How Ginger Affects Gallstones
Ginger has a long history of use in folk and alternative medicine. While you may associate ginger with its stomach-settling properties, practitioners also use it to treat high blood pressure and to improve blood circulation, among other uses. Ginger, which comes from the rhizome, or root of the plant, can cause problems if you have gallstones. Don't take ginger supplements or consume large amounts of ginger without your doctor's approval.
If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.
The gallbladder, which lies beneath your liver, is not an essential organ. If you have it removed during surgery, your digestive system still functions without much difficulty. A small sac-like structure connected to the liver by the bile duct, the gallbladder serves as a storage facility for bile. Bile breaks down fat in the intestines. The gallbladder stores bile until the presence of fat in the digestive system calls for it. Gallstones often form in the gallbladder, where they typically cause few problems. If they migrate into the bile duct and get stuck there, however, they can block bile flow, causing bile to back up in the liver. In large quantities, ginger can affect your gallbladder's functioning.
- The gallbladder, which lies beneath your liver, is not an essential organ.
- The gallbladder stores bile until the presence of fat in the digestive system calls for it.
Ginger's Effect
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In large doses, ginger can increase bile production and contractions in the bile duct. If you have stones in the gallbladder of in the bile duct, increased contractions raises the risk that a stone will lodge in the duct and block bile flow. Not all practitioners agree that ginger is harmful if you have gallbladder disease. The Chinese Herbs website recommends ginger root as a treatment for gallstones because of its bile-stimulating properties 5. Follow your doctor's recommendations for taking ginger if you have gallbladder disease.
- In large doses, ginger can increase bile production and contractions in the bile duct.
- The Chinese Herbs website recommends ginger root as a treatment for gallstones because of its bile-stimulating properties 5.
While gallstones often cause few symptoms and go undetected unless you have an ultrasound of the abdomen, a stone stuck in the bile duct can cause serious illness that necessitates emergency surgery. Inflammation causes pain in the right upper abdominal quadrant; nausea and jaundice can occur. Unrelieved blockage of the bile duct from gallstones can be life-threatening without immediate surgery.
- While gallstones often cause few symptoms and go undetected unless you have an ultrasound of the abdomen, a stone stuck in the bile duct can cause serious illness that necessitates emergency surgery.
- Unrelieved blockage of the bile duct from gallstones can be life-threatening without immediate surgery.
Gallbladder Stones & Ayurvedic Treatment
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Doses of small amounts of ginger--up to 4 grams per day--are generally considered safe, according to the University of Texas Herbal Safety website 13. Do not take larger doses without your doctor's approval. In addition to possibly worsening gallbladder problems, ginger in large doses can act as a blood thinner.
Related Articles
- University of Colorado Denver: Ginger
- Ginger
- University of Maryland Medical Center: Gallbladder Disease
- Chinese Herbs: Gallstones and Herbal Remedies
- MUSC Health. Medical University of South Carolina. Gallbladder. Updated 2020
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- Johns Hopkins Medicine. Biliary system anatomy and functions. Updated 2020
- Johns Hopkins Medicine. What is gallbladder disease? Updated 2020.
- Njeze GE. Gallstones. Niger J Surg. 2013;19(2):49–55. doi:10.4103/1117-6806.119236
- Soper NJ, Malladi P. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. UpToDate. Updated July 2, 2019.
- Jones M, Deppen J. Physiology gallbladder. StatPearls. Updated January 17, 2019
- Chan J, Vandeberg JL. Hepatobiliary transport in health and disease. Clin Lipidol. 2012;7(2):189-202. doi:10.2217/clp.12.12
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- "How Does the Liver Work?" National Institutes of Health.
- MedlinePlus. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US). "Bile."
- MedlinePlus. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US). "Gallbladder Diseases."
- Merck Manual. "Overview of Biliary Function." Atenodoro R. Ruiz, Jr., MD.
Writer Bio
A registered nurse with more than 25 years of experience in oncology, labor/delivery, neonatal intensive care, infertility and ophthalmology, Sharon Perkins has also coauthored and edited numerous health books for the Wiley "Dummies" series. Perkins also has extensive experience working in home health with medically fragile pediatric patients.