Home Remedy for Removing Calcium Deposits From Under the Eye
Calcium deposits on the eye may result from a variety of different conditions 3. Depending on their location, they may affect the function of the eye. If they are located under the eye and are asymptomatic, home remedies are available to remove them. If calcium deposits are affecting your vision or causing pain, you should seek medical attention immediately 3.
Reduce Calcium in the Diet
Excess calcium deposits in the soft tissues around the eye often make the eye look tired 3. You can try removing calcium from the diet, suggests Meltdown.com, which you can track on a calorie calculator 1. This includes dairy products, fruit juices fortified with calcium, and foods rich in vitamins A and D, which can cause cells to retain calcium. Once your body detoxifies and the appropriate level of calcium is restored, the deposits should disappear and the tired appearance should improve 3.
Olive Oil
What Are the Causes of Film on Eye?
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Calcium deposits on the skin tend to stick around until the skin becomes soft, according to an article on the website Hair-N-Skin-Care.com The website recommends washing your face with warm water, patting dry, and then gently massaging olive oil into the area where the calcium deposits are located 123.
Aloe Vera
Small white cysts under the eye are often called "calcium deposits" but are actually millia, according to dermatologist Alan Rockoff with the Rockoff Dermatology Center in Brookline, Massachusetts 23. Home remedy website DrGranny.com recommends applying aloe vera or antiaging creams to the skin where the calcium millia are located 1. The theory that once the skin is soft and supple the deposits will fall off.
Related Articles
- Meltdown.com: Calcium
- Hair N Skin Care: Calcium Deposits Under Eyes
- MedHelp: Calcium Deposits Around Eyes
- Le C, Bedocs PM. Calcinosis cutis. In: StatPearls. Updated September 5, 2019.
- Reiter N, El-shabrawi L, Leinweber B, Berghold A, Aberer E. Calcinosis cutis: part I. Diagnostic pathway. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2011;65(1):1-12. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2010.08.038
- Sahu SK, Gupta N, Vohra S. Calcinosis cutis secondary to facial acne vulgaris: A rare complication. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2015;6(Suppl 1):S37–S39. doi:10.4103/2229-5178.171040
Writer Bio
Based in Charlotte, N.C., Virginia Franco has more than 15 years experience freelance writing. Her work has appeared in various print and online publications, including the education magazine "My School Rocks" and Work.com. Franco has a master's degree in social work with an emphasis in health care from the University of Maryland and a journalism degree from the University of Richmond.