Dangers of Low Triglyceride Levels

Triglyceride levels are often associated with high cholesterol. However, a triglyceride level that is too low, while rare, can point to either a poor diet or one of three dangerous conditions that require a doctor’s attention.

Normal Triglyceride Levels

Normal triglyceride levels are less than 150 mg/dl. An extremely low level, usually under 10 mg/dl, can be indicative of serious problems.

Low Fat Diets

Vitamin Deficiencies With Symptoms of Fat Malabsorption

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All people need to consume some fat in their diets, and eating a diet that severely limits fat or has no fat can cause extremely low triglyceride levels.


There are many causes of malnutrition, a condition in which the body does not get the needed nutrients, including the diseases cancer, tuberculosis and sepsis.


The Calories in Calamari

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Having a thyroid that is overactive, a condition known as hyperthyroidism, can lead to extremely low triglyceride levels, and a physician should follow up with thyroid tests.

Malabsorption Syndrome

Often the first sign of having a serious type of malabsorption syndrome is a low triglyceride level. Some common causes of malabsorption syndrome are AIDS, cancer, liver disease, milk intolerance and pancreatitis.
