Benefits of 40 Minutes on a Treadmill

Most Americans do not get as much physical activity as they should. Reasons often include boredom and lack of time. Walking or jogging on a treadmill at home or in a gym is easy and affords many health benefits. Forty minutes on a treadmill most days of the week is adequate exercise for most adults. Ask your physician if you are healthy enough to walk or jog on a treadmill and what your target heart rate should be.

Easy to Do

A treadmill is ideal for people with visual difficulties who might stumble over a rock or crevice if walking outdoors. It is safer than walking in many neighborhoods and can be done anytime of the day or night. For those able to jog, most treadmills have the capacity to allow the additional aerobic benefits of jogging. Whether walking or jogging, 40 minutes of regular treadmill use strengthens muscles and bones, leaving you in better physical condition.

  • A treadmill is ideal for people with visual difficulties who might stumble over a rock or crevice if walking outdoors.
  • For those able to jog, most treadmills have the capacity to allow the additional aerobic benefits of jogging.

Disease Prevention

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If you already have heart disease, metabolic syndrome or osteoporosis, treadmill walking may help lessen the negative impact of the disease. It also helps reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that exercise has been found to reduce the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer 3.

Improved Sleep

Regular walking on a treadmill promotes healthy sleep. Exercise conducted early in the day is conducive to a good night's rest and allows people with insomnia to have a drug-free alternative for falling sleep. A good night's sleep is important to weight management, mental health and having the energy to perform daily tasks.

  • Regular walking on a treadmill promotes healthy sleep.
  • A good night's sleep is important to weight management, mental health and having the energy to perform daily tasks.

Improved Mood

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Regular exercise, such as walking on a treadmill improves your mood and mental outlook. It can alleviate or help prevent depression. Exercise reduces stress, leaving you feeling relaxed and mentally refreshed. Over time, many people who are new to exercise begin to experience higher self-confidence.

  • Regular exercise, such as walking on a treadmill improves your mood and mental outlook.
  • Over time, many people who are new to exercise begin to experience higher self-confidence.

Weight Management

Its long been known that regular exercise contributes to successful weight management. Whether you are normal weight, a few pounds overweight or a hundred pounds overweight, exercise on a treadmill can help you manage your weight and drop pounds if needed. Being at the proper weight for your age, sex and height helps you feel better and prevents the obesity-related medical conditions prevalent in the United States.

Increased Energy

Mayo Clinic explains that exercise helps your lungs and heart work better by delivering a healthy amount of nutrients and oxygen to the body. This has the effect of increasing your energy level.
