How to Get Rid of Pimples Without Scarring

Pimples are the result of bacteria on the surface of your skin clogging a pore. As the bacteria grows, it creates a raised, red welt with a white center. As tempting as it may be, you should not pop or pick at pimples as this can spread the bacteria to other pores, causing more pimples. Popping a pimple will also create an open sore and make you more prone to acne scarring. Proper hygiene and acne-specific cleansing can get rid of your pimples without creating new breakouts or causing scarring.

Wash your face twice a day with an acne-specific cleanser containing triclosan, an antibacterial agent, or salicylic acid. Use a gentle circular motion when applying the cleanser, rinse your face well with warm water and blot your face dry. Avoid abrasive agents or vigorous scrubbing, as these may scratch the skin or break open the pimples.

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Apply a benzoyl peroxide-based astringent to your face after each wash. The astringent removes excess oil, preventing it from clogging your pores. Gently wipe the astringent over the pimples with a pad or cotton swab and let it air dry.

Apply a benzoyl peroxide-based cream to the affected area for additional treatment. Use your fingertip to dab the cream onto the pimples and rub lightly to blend it into your skin.

Home Remedy for an Infected Pimple

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Apply an oil-free moisturizer to your entire face. Skin-drying treatments may stimulate the skin to produce more oil to compensate for excessive dryness. Keeping your skin moist with an oil-free moisturizer will prevent oil overproduction without clogging your pores.

Talk to your dermatologist about possible prescription products or acne treatments if over-the-counter treatments do not work 1.


Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and triclosan can cause skin irritation. Stop using the products immediately if you experience itching or swelling.

Consult your physician if over-the-counter products do not effectively manage your pimples.

The oil and bacteria on your hands can make your pimples worse, so avoid touching your face whenever possible. If you must touch your face, wash your hands first or clean them with an antibacterial gel.
