Di-Indole Methane and Dark Urine

Di-indole methane, also known as diindolylmethane or DIM, is a compound found in the mustard family of plants, also known as brassica 1. This includes broccoli, collard greens, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, turnips, rutabaga and several others. The compound is an anti-carcinogen, a chemical that has been found to reduce the severity or occurrence of cancers. In addition, DIM supplements are commonly used to regulate estrogen levels in women, boost testosterone in men and block estrogen production in men.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

DIM and Dark Urine

Upon adding either DIM supplements or DIM-rich foods to your daily diet, you might notice your urine change colors. The darkened urine, as a result of DIM intake, is often tea-colored or dark brown. While this can be an alarming side effect, it is a natural result of increased consumption of DIM. In addition, your urine might adopt a potent scent, especially if your DIM intake comes from vegetables such as broccoli.

  • Upon adding either DIM supplements or DIM-rich foods to your daily diet, you might notice your urine change colors.
  • In addition, your urine might adopt a potent scent, especially if your DIM intake comes from vegetables such as broccoli.

Other Causes of Dark Urine

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While DIM can cause dark urine, which is a harmless side effect, consider other possible causes of your urine changing color. These include eating large quantities of rhubarb, fava beans or aloe, taking medications such as:

  • antibiotics
  • muscle relaxers or laxatives
  • urinary tract infections or medical conditions of the kidneys
  • liver

DIM Side Effects

Research on DIM has not resulted in the link to any negative side effects, as the dark urine is harmless. As for positive side effects, you might notice an increase in energy when consuming DIM, as it allows your body to more readily absorb nutrients. In addition, DIM can cause an increase in libido because of the estrogen or testosterone balancing effects.

What To Do If You Notice Dark Urine

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If you notice dark urine when consuming DIM, you should not be alarmed. However, keep watch for other symptoms of negative causes, such as liver or kidney conditions.
