Magnesium and Orange Juice

Oranges come in many varieties such as Valencia, Pera, Hamlin and Pineapple. Within their specific groups, there also are size variations. Those differences make it hard to say precisely how much of a nutrient an orange has without putting individual fruits through a scientific analysis. The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers a simpler solution by providing a general nutrition facts label for 1 cup of raw orange juice.

Magnesium in Orange Juice

One cup of raw orange juice contains 27.28 mg of magnesium 1. That content corresponds to 7 percent of your recommended daily intake for the mineral if you are on a 2,000-calorie diet.

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The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends that to 6 months of age, babies get 30 mg of magnesium every day. A 1-year-old requires 80 mg of the nutrient and 4-year-olds require 130 mg. At 9 years of age, children should be consuming 240 mg of the mineral. A 14-year-old girl thrives on 360 mg of magnesium and a boy the same age requires 410 mg. A 19-year-old woman needs 310 mg while a man should get 400 mg. Starting at age 31, men need 420 mg of magnesium daily and women need 320 mg 4.

  • The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends that to 6 months of age, babies get 30 mg of magnesium every day.
  • A 14-year-old girl thrives on 360 mg of magnesium and a boy the same age requires 410 mg.

Complementing Orange Juice

One cup of orange juice is many milligrams away from meeting an adult’s adequate intake for magnesium. Drinking gallons of orange juice daily is not the healthiest alternative for increasing your magnesium supply. The beverage lacks minerals and vitamins other foods provide, and the orange’s acidity is likely to drill a hole in your stomach. The best option is to plan a varied menu that includes different sources of magnesium throughout the day.

  • One cup of orange juice is many milligrams away from meeting an adult’s adequate intake for magnesium.
  • Drinking gallons of orange juice daily is not the healthiest alternative for increasing your magnesium supply.

Magnesium’s Importance

How Much Magnesium Per Day?

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Magnesium facilitates the function of organs and enzymes 4. Along with calcium, the mineral also builds strong bones and teeth. The nutrient plays a role in metabolism, helping your body to chemically change food into energy. Besides, you depend on magnesium to maintain other minerals, such as:

  • copper
  • potassium
  • zinc
  • within normal ranges
  • Magnesium facilitates the function of organs and enzymes 4.
  • Along with calcium, the mineral also builds strong bones and teeth.