How to Mix Cereal With Fruits or Vegetables for Infants

When you start introducing solid foods to your baby's diet, make sure she is ready. Signs of readiness include physical development, such as sitting up and being able to hold up her head, as well as cognitive development, such as showing an interest in food. Once your baby has experienced rice cereal or other grains without issue, it's time to mix it up with some fruits and vegetables. Adding fruits and vegetables to your baby's diet typically occurs between six and eight months of age.

Mix the cereal as you normally would, with formula, breast milk or water.

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Add 1 teaspoon of the pureed fruit or vegetable. Pears, bananas and peaches work well as first fruits. Avocado and carrots are typical first vegetables. While it needn't be commercial baby food, the consistency needs to be mashed to a runny puree. Remove any strings or seeds to ensure your baby doesn't choke 1. As your baby begins to enjoy the food more, add more fruit or vegetable to the mixture, working up to 1/4 to 1/2 cup eaten amongst two to three solid food feedings.

Record the results of the new mix. If it causes diarrhea or a rash, it may be a sign that your baby is allergic or sensitive to the food. Remove it from your baby's diet and consult with your doctor. It may be something to try later, or not at all if food allergies run in your family.

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Wait three days before introducing the next new fruit or vegetable. Three days provides a good window to see how your baby reacts to the new food. If you mix too many foods at once, it can be hard to differentiate and identify which food triggered a reaction.


Be patient with new foods. Babies often need to try a new fruit or vegetable ten or more times before deciding if they like it.
