Deep Breathing to Reduce Dizziness

Dizziness during or after exercise could result from hypoglycemia, dehydration or overexertion. Abnormally rapid breathing, or hyperventilation, can disrupt the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body, which can also cause dizziness 2. If your dizziness is breathing-related, a simple breathing technique can equalize the gases in your blood and help relieve the spell. The key to deep breathing for dizziness is to reduce the airway, which will slow your breathing.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. By sitting or lying down, you'll stop movements that can contribute to your dizziness, and being comfortable will help you focus on your breathing.

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Position your hands on your stomach and face. Place one hand on your abdomen. Close your mouth and place the thumb of your other hand against one nostril. If you have sinus congestion, the thumb you use will depend on which nostril is clear.

Inhale slowly through your open nostril. Inflate your lungs as much as possible. You should feel your abdomen rise as you inhale.

Dizziness When Sitting Down

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Hold for one second, then close both nostrils and purse your lips. Act as if trying to whistle.

Exhale slowly and empty your lungs as much as possible. You should feel your abdomen fall as you exhale. Repeat five to 10 times.

Relax and breathe normally. Wait at least one minute, then sit up slowly to avoid getting dizzy again.


Consult your physician if you experience frequent dizziness.
