Side Effects of Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli sprouts, also called Brassica oleracea italica, are broccoli harvested when the broccoli plant is 3 to 4 days old 4. Consuming this type of broccoli may be beneficial in the treatment or prevention of certain types of cancer and bacterial stomach infections, according to the American Cancer Society 24. Side effects of broccoli sprouts occur infrequently and are generally mild 4.

No Side Effects

The consumption of broccoli sprouts is generally not associated with side effects 4. Health professionals with report that the beneficial effects of broccoli sprouts may occur following the daily consumption of at least 50 g of broccoli sprouts 4.

Gas or Stomach Irritation

How to Blanch Broccoli

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One cup of raw broccoli contains approximately 2.64 g of dietary fiber, the USDA reports, making this vegetable a high-fiber food 4. Consuming high-fiber broccoli sprouts may irritate your digestive tract, causing gassiness, the American Cancer Society reports 24. People who have intestinal problems or diarrhea should avoid eating high-fiber foods, such as broccoli sprouts, as consumption of these food products may exacerbate such medical conditions 4. If you experience persistent stomach pain or gas after eating broccoli sprouts, seek additional care from your health care provider 4.


Broccoli sprouts contain a number of beneficial nutrients that help promote health and well-being 4. Consuming one serving of broccoli sprouts also helps you meet the recommended 2.5 to 3 cups of vegetables adults should consume daily, the USDA reports 4.
